Summer training sessions are well under way for all age groups!

We believe off-season is where true improvement takes place. Athletes have the ability to put in a little extra time to refine their skills and fundamentals. UNDRGRND offers multiply training opportunities for each grade level, and encourage our athletes to attend at least one. Currently, we offer sessions for high school girls, 7th/8th grade girls, 5th/6th grade girls, 3rd/4th grade girls, and, for the first time, 2nd/3rd/4th grade boys!

UNDRGRND is excited to be offering training options for 2nd/3rd/4th grade boys!
Training sessions last approximately 75 minutes and athletes receive coaching and instruction on a variety of skills. The best part, is that due to our controlled numbers, most of this training is via a one-on-one approach. Each athlete is getting individual instruction from one of our highly-qualified coaches.
Both the coaching staff and parents love to see the tremendous improvement that takes place for UNDRGRND athletes each off-season. If an athlete is committed, it's almost guaranteed that they all see exponential growth in both ability and confidence. This will have our athletes that much more prepared fo the upcoming season!
If your interested in finding out more about our training sessions, contact us for more information!